Sunday 13 June 2010


Remind me to buy the English goalkeeper a pint next time I meet him. A glorious display of ineptness that made up for an otherwise shite match.
To today's games.

Algeria v. Slovenia
The glamour tie of the first round. No predictions here, just a request to sit back and enjoy the beautiful game as it should be played.

Serbia v. Ghana
Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia. Obviously this is the year when European countries beginning with 'S' get to play in the World Cup. Makes me think we should have called Ireland 'Sireland'. Or the 'Shaggin feckers' or something equally apt. Anyway a country responsible for one of the most vicious wars since 1945 versus a Japanese chocolate company.
Prediction: No contest - Serbia to win this, Hague Tribunal be damned.

Australia v. Germany
Australia remind me a bit of Ireland under Jack Charlton. A smattering of talent, some big men up front, and lots of dogged, hard graft. Plus they like to like to hoof it up the middle every chance they get. Anything else is, particularly if it involves passing the ball three or more consecutive times, is for effeminate, make-up wearing Latinos. Germany are, well Germany, imbued with a Teutonic sense of expectation - that just as the earth remorselessly turns, so they will be in the last 4 come the beginning of July. And they probably will be.
Prediction: Germany to win this 3-0.

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