Saturday 9 April 2011

Thursday Night

So there we were, fast asleep having gone to bed just shortly after 10.00pm. Sleeping amidst dreams of verdant gardens and forest walks.
Though that was just me. Sanae was probably dreaming of chocolate while Cian was, as always, drooling contently on to his pillow.
Then, shudder. Huhhh. Shudder, shudder, jolt, shudder-shudder-shudder-shudder-shuddershuddershuddershudder - things begin rattling and swaying that really shouldn't be rattling and swaying.
Christ an earthquake, aftershock, what feckin ever but it’s causing the bed to shake. Sanae bolts out of bed and heads for Cian's room. She's got a couple of years on me but I still manage to pass her on the stairs up to Cian's room.
Shuddering begins to subside as we enter his room. Cian is still sleeping, slowly, as ever, rinsing his pillow in his own drool.
We step back outside and in whispers debate what to do. Wake Cian, dress and evacuate the house. Or, the Irish option - go back to bed and pretend it never happened.
We go back to bed.
It takes us a while to get back to sleep though. Too much adrenaline coursing through our systems.
7.1 aftershock is what the television news tells us the next morning. At 11.36 at night it felt a lot stronger.

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