Wednesday 22 April 2015

参観日 sankanbi

Last Saturday was 参観日 sankanbi in both Cian and Sanae's schools. Sankanbi is often rendered as 'parents visiting day' or 'parents open day' which, although fairly accurate, doesn't quite encapsulate all that is involved. There are three such days throughout the year, one for each term. 'Show class' is what Sanae terms it as it basically involves showing the parents how much (or lack of) progress young Satoshi and Saori are making. For us, or rather me as Sanae was at her own school and so couldn't attend, it was my first opportunity to observe Cian's new teacher.
Now usually this exemplar of tall, swarthy, yet broodingly poetic Gaelic masculinity tends to freak out the teachers but to be fair to T. sensei, she maintained her composure rather well. Then again it is my third year visiting the school for sankanbi and I think they are pretty much used to me by now.
For the 'show class' T. sensei had the students individually announce their aims for the coming term. Japanese education places a lot of emphasis on students establishing goals to which they should aspire. They aren't necessarily academic, nor even directly school related - Cian, for example, announced that he wanted to run a faster time than last year at next month's Northern Horse Farm Marathon - but they are openly stated and it is the public pledge aspect of the act that is important. It demonstrates that (a) you are motivated to do something you (and your teacher) consider worthwhile; and (b) you realize the effort and discipline (though sadly lacking in Cian's case) that is necessary to achieve this goal.
This is all related to the Japanese concept of gambaru, to strive or do your utmost to accomplish a difficult task. Whether or not you succeed isn't as important as showing that you tried, and tried mightily. In many respects gambaru is a bit like the Wexford hurling team.
In third class such gambaru pledges tend to split along gender lines with the girls focusing on classroom accomplishments while the boys plan on tearing up the sports field. As they progress through school these promises become more specific and academically orientated. Specific test scores are aimed at, high schools to be entered, straight A's on the university entrance exams, and the such like. Personally, this socially induced pressure-to-perform doesn't sit well with the laid back Kerry man in me. Forty-five years in and I think I am entitled to say things like 'there is more to life than test scores' but over here that is very much the minority opinion. So Cian makes his promises, his teacher (and Mammy) are happy, while Daddy every so often tries to lure him away for a twilight walk on the beach to see the star sprinkled sea.

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing, seeing as you are a man of fierce determination and utmost focus, that your aspiration as a youngster was to have a hairy chest? Congratulations on your achievement!!


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