Friday 4 December 2009

Friday Afternoon

Late Friday afternoon, sun has disappeared behind the hills that loom over the university and the chill in the air is already causing your breath to steam. I usually have classes in a nursing school I teach at, next town over, but they have ended for the year, so my week's winding down time has lengthened. On Fridays I pick Cian up early from the creche and we head to Sapporo Co-op, a local supermarket, where we gorge ourselves on the free bread, cakes and fruit samples, before buying 100% guaranteed cholesterol enhancing croquettes for dinner. I like to think it is the highlight of Cian's week - well that and his back-to-back double header of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse we let him watch on Saturdays.
I have a 'bonnenkai' this evening - an end of year party. I realise it is only December 4th, but the group organising it are taking no chances. They know how in demand I am at these end of year rice and raw fish extravaganzas, so they booked me early. Plus they said there would be chips. I'll pretty much go anywhere if there is a chance of chips. Rice, let me think of an excuse, but chips...I'll bring my own ketchup.

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