Friday 20 December 2013

Birthday Boy

It's only now, a week later, that the last of the dancing elephants have finally left and things are beginning to return to normal (or as normal as it gets in Teach Takahashi-Gaynor). Ahh 7th birthdays - a day of celebration for each year is the Japanese tradition.
Actually it's not, but it does sound like something they would do over here. In fact the Japanese custom is to have no birthday party whatsoever. They basically accord birthdays the same importance as that day's weather, and rightly so. "Birthday parties are for decadent westerners" as Cian so rightly put it. Furthermore, birthday cakes are for "fat decadent westerners". And don't get the boy started on bouncy 'bleeding' castles.
Birthday presents are, however, warmly welcomed, particularly Cadburys 'Giant Buttons' (and no, it's not too late to send some). A big thank you to one and all for the steady flow of parcels with Cian's name on them arriving over the past week. It helps remind Cian that his family and friends are not only in Japan.

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