Sunday 1 March 2020

Defiance or irresponsible?

"Anyone buying or selling the toilet rolls?"

Eerily quiet, or quietly eerie?

That's Yotei-zan in the background.

So, I went for my jog yesterday morning and the streets were indeed 'eerily quiet'. I might go so far as to say that they were in fact, 'quietly eerie'.
Though to be honest it's hard to know if the streets were any different than normal. Muroran is not exactly renowned for its metropolitan joie de vie and vibrant, urban lifestyle.
The supermarket did seem quieter than usual but that may well be because they had sold out of toilet roll and the crowds had charged off elsewhere in their desperate search for extra-absorbent two-ply tissue. A number of cities around Japan are undergoing a, (cough), 'run' on toilet paper at the moment. Somebody somewhere claimed that all of the toilet paper in Japan is made in China and we wouldn't be getting any more. This naturally got on social media and before you could say the Japanese for 'Fake news', the panic buying had erupted. We're not too worried as, well, we have snow. Nothing purer. Admittedly a tad chilly, but refreshingly clean and zesty.
Anyway the governor of Hokkaido had asked us this weekend to stay at home and refrain from going out unless absolutely necessary. The governor of Hokkaido is only a whippersnapper of 38 and I'll be damned if I am going to let some young fella tell me what I can and can't do.
So we took ourselves off for a walk as it was a nice day and there is only so many times you can count rolls of hoarded toilet paper before the feeling of superiority wears off.

1 comment:

  1. might have to jog on the spot, keep up the training


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