Friday 23 September 2011

September in the Forest Kozan

Occasionally you have to take the time out to smell the daisies, even in the rain. So it was with this month's trip to Forest Kozan where a wet day and unseasonably cool temperatures meant there were only 12 of us this time; a far cry from the 70 or so who turned out on our first visit back in May.
Warm weather wusses.
So us 12 foolish, sorry, hardy souls donned jackets, hats and rubber boots and slowly wandered around in the gentle rain, taking our mellow time to marvel at Mother Nature's miniature marvels. (Yes, my friends, thrill to the alliteration. Thrill, I say. Thrill!).
There were spider webs spun in a frieze of raindrops; glistening green clover: stalks of inudate splayed to the sky adding speckled stripes of vermilion to the verdant green; pale birch bark furrowed and fissured, splotched with peeling, faded lichen.
But wait, what's this .... a water slide!!
To hell with speckled, verdant, etc. Mother Nature; we want to go splash - splash (though in as much an alliterative way as possible).

And once we were finished there was a nice barrel of steaming hot water for us to sit in and soak ourselves warm.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen Ronan, NJ-USA, American Cousin2 October 2011 at 09:39

    Who took those STUNNING photos? They are completely fantastically gorgeous!!!


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