Saturday 3 September 2011

Sooo, we went down to the river, and into the river we dove...

Back to Forest Kozan. Back to the river. Oh when, when oh when, will this watery madness ever end? Summer 2011 essentially means water, both sea and fresh. And usually Cian is in it. And if Cian is getting wet it means that Daddy has to get wet too, as Mammy only likes to eat fish - she doesn't particularly want to become one.
It was a grey, rainy day when we went to Forest Kozan in August but that didn't stop Cian, or rather 'Dances with Salmon' as he is now known, from plunging into the first stream he came to. And who had to plunge straight in after him as he began to helplessly float down stream?
'Dances with Salmon' needs to learn how to swim as 'Daddy of Dances with Salmon' isn't too keen on having his nether regions reduced to shriveled peanuts when he has to go wading into the "mother of sweet jesus but that's feckin freezin" river after his son.
Neither is his wife.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen Ronan, NJ-USA, American Cousin2 October 2011 at 09:55

    Truly, the watery madness was unceasing no matter where in the world one was this summer. Malaria (er...Lyme disease) not to be outdone, we were forced to end our summer holiday at the NJ beaches early thanks to Hurricane Irene. I'm told it was very bad a the shore. Certainly there was a great deal of impressive flooding throughout the state, but I myself was rather unimpressed. In fact, I bought a new--or rather new-ish, new to me--car in honor of the occasion. Got a fine deal on it too as absolutely NO ONE else was mad enough to go car shopping in a hurricane. :-)


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