Friday 1 March 2013


The first of March. 
Oh how the spirit soars. Especially when I look out the kitchen window and see this...

The first snow of what the weather forecast warned would be a three day blizzard with an expected 50 centimetres of snow by tomorrow morning.
Meanwhile Cian is slumped on the sofa with a feverish cold, falling in and out of a fitful, cough racked sleep.
And what does my man Seneca have to say about such a sorry state of affairs?
"The wise man is joyful, happy and calm, unshaken; he lives on a plane with the gods. Now go, question yourself; if you are never downcast, if your mind is not harassed by any apprehension, through anticipation of what is to come, if day and night your soul keeps on its even and unswerving course, upright and content with itself, then you have attained to the greatest good that mortals can possess".
Fine words, but nothing about shoveling a half metre of snow, an activity I doubt many gods would undertake.

1 comment:

  1. Hi B.Just saw the news there on the weather there on bbc website. Very sad about that dad and daughter. Hope you are well and Cian is over his sickness. happy birthday to sanae for thurs.


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