Thursday 28 March 2013

Out and about

As winter's icy grip slackens our thawing thoughts turn to spring.
Yes, I'll give you a moment to savor the alliteration.
We took ourselves off for a walk last weekend, the first one that didin't necessitate dressing up like Scott of the Antarctic and bringing 2 days worth of food supplies with us, just in case.
We headed for Chikyu Misaki, Cape Earth, which has been voted Hokkaido's most scenic spot by, well, I don't who exactly. But whoever they are they would do with getting out and and about Hokkaido a bit more.
Anyway, as there was a bit of a biting westerly wind blowing (I know, I know, alliteratively effortless), we made for the shelter of the sea side, descending a winding trail to the city's boarded up Marine Research Centre and the sheltered cove it overlooks.
We spent an hour doing little else besides enjoying the sunshine and aimlessly pottering around, though Cian did attempt some fishing by lobbing large rocks into the sea hoping he'd hit something.
He didn't, so we're planning to return this weekend, weather permitting, with fishing rods and nets as Sanae reckons "there's food to be had in these waters". Though given past experience we may just end up eating seaweed again.

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