Monday 14 March 2011


I have, by dint of being apparently the only Irishman in northern Japan, become both a de facto journalist and a line producer for RTE's correspondent over here. Given the time difference between here and back home, it has so far involved a lot of late night phone calls and early morning reports "Live from the Gaynor-Takahashi bathroom", as that is the most sound-proofed room in the house. The initial glamour of it all (if even there was any) has long since worn off and both Cian and Sanae are getting pretty irritated by it all.
But as I tell them, as a journalist I answer only to the people, not my wife and son. Which usually provokes a response of "Would ya ever feck off, ya big arse" and a couple of digs. For a hobbit, my wife packs a mean punch.


  1. I do wish you would pop up on the BBC. We have been subject to an endless parade of tweeting expat mouth-breathers for days now. Amber

  2. Any wine for me? And how's Una?


April - the most stressful month

 And so, with its usual unstoppable momentum, April has rolled around and with it the start of the new school and business year. Sanae must ...