Sunday 13 March 2011

Sunday Morning

There are growing concerns about the safety of a nuclear reactor at a second power plant in Fukushima. Trace elements of radioactivity have been detected in people who were being evacuated from the surrounding area. While we are far away from immediate danger it's no longer case of we are far away for comfort. The second reactor in particular is a cause for major concern as it is a plutonium powered MOX type and if it explodes, well, then, all bets are off. Should extensive radioactive material escape in to the air then you are simply at the mercy of the prevailing winds and all you can do is hope is it blows far away from you.
If ever there was a convincing argument for the abolition of nuclear power, then I think this picture makes it.

These are kids being checked for radiation as they are evacuated from the hinterland around the Daiichi Nuclear Reactor in Fukushima.

1 comment:

  1. Just heard you on Newstalk with Dunphy!

    Didn't realise that Japan had so many nuclear plants.

    Sky are starting to show the scale of the destruction from the ground now.


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